How to Fix a Google Site Which is Showing a 404 Error or Login Page

Websites & Domains • Ryder Cragie • 28th April 2022Article Short Link:


If your Google site is showing a 404 error or is asking users to log in, there are a few reasons that this may be happening.

Reason 1: Your Site is Not Published

If your Google Site is not published, users will see a 404 error stating that the page cannot be found. To fix this, follow these steps:

How to Publish Your Site (Video)

Reason 2: Your Site is Private

If your Google Site is private, users will see a login page. To fix this, follow these steps:

How to Make Your Site Public (Video)

Reason 3: You use a custom domain and haven't connected it properly

If you use a custom domain (e.g. and you haven't connected it to your site properly, then it won't be viewable on your custom domain.

Reason 4: You use a custom domain and have connected it properly, but your domain registrar hasn't propagated the DNS records yet

Once changing DNS records on your custom domain, you need to wait up to 72 hours for the changes to take effect. Please be patient and wait.

If you see an error in your browser after this time, such as "This site cannot be reached", please ask a question in the Official Sites Community or contact your domain provider.

Reason 5: You Are Using Google Workspace

If you have followed the above steps and your site still is not viewable to the public, the issue may be caused by Google Workspace. If you have a Google Workspace subscription, contact their team and they will be able to help you fix the issue.